Monday, September 22, 2008

Jazz Fevour

After a whole year stay out of music industry, I came back and feel somethings are going out of order and some new things came in to the industry. Well this is how our world is going around playing with dark and non dark side, hiding and showing towards the sun and its glorious light.

Well, without establishing more lengthier introduction I'll like to move onto the point.

Its not new to Nepali music industry, but it was really new for me. At least I'd not seen this kind of thing in our industry before. In fact, our industry had already tasted this genre and musicians before I came in touch with them. The big news is a progressive JAZZ band in our place. This band is "Trouble Clef."

The band members are Mariano E. Abello (Spain) on Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Oboe; Kiran Shahi (Nepal) on Drums, Percussion; Rajat Rai (Nepal) on Guitar and Roshan Gurung on Bass Guitar. I call this band a progressive jazz band not only they cover some progressive jazz band but they do some ballades and eastern tunes improvised and presented in they own dashing way.

The KJC teachers' exertion to bring some new sensational vibes into the industry is really appreciable and watchable.

But, as good new comes after bad, sometimes bad news follows the good. Here, I mean is by the time I update this post, the bass guitarist Roshan Gurung had already fly towards UK leaving the band incomplete. But still there will be someone who can take his place and keep the vibes of Trouble Clef back to the listeners.

1 comment:


Cngatulation on your back to Music industry.
Wish you will get in to order ;-) what you felt going out of order.

your blogs looks Cool =>